Exhibitor / Sponsor Form should be submitted regardless of payment type.
Cost ($350) & Application (link to application form)
Our Virtual Event Production partner: vFAIRS
Number of attendees expected (Operating Engineers is hoping for 1000)
How to set up your booth (link to video)
Want to see the event landing page? Click the following link: https://michiganccd.vfairs.com/
Prepare any videos you want to show in your booth
Submit your high resolution logo to info michiganccd@gmail.com
Submit any .pdf's to be part of the overall information students can take home from the event to michiganccd@gmail.com
MICCD has many opportunities to financially support, exhibit your trade or just volunteer.
It is through the generosity of our industry partners that we are able to offer this event free of charge to all Michigan middle and high school students. Please consider helping us promote a future construction workforce. We look forward to your participation this year!
Platinum (minimum contribution of $5,000 - $10,000 +)
Event Entry Gate: prominent banner recognition on-site on Highland Road
MICCD Event website: large linked LOGO to your business Careers Webpage
Digital Career Guide Book: listed as a contributing business in 2023
Sponsor Poster: prominent logo displayed at all major areas at the event
PRIZE signs: logo on one of the on-site prize stations
Booth(s) for hands-on activity or demonstration on-site at the event (optional)
Gold (minimum contribution of $3000)
Event Entry Gate: business name listed on banner on-site on Highland Road
MICCD Event website: LOGO linked to your business Careers Webpage
Digital Career Guide Book: listed as a contributing business in 2023
Sponsor Poster: prominent logo displayed at all major areas at the event
Booth for hands-on activity or demonstration on-site at the event (optional)
Silver (minimum contribution of $1500)
MICCD Event website: LOGO linked to your business Careers Webpage
Digital Career Guide Book: listed as a contributing business in 2023
Sponsor Poster: prominent logo displayed at all major areas at the event
Booth for hands-on activity or demonstration on-site at the event (optional)
Bronze (minimum contribution of $500)
MICCD Event website: LOGO linked to your business Careers Webpage
Sponsor Poster: prominent logo displayed at all major areas at the event
Booth for hands-on activity or demonstration on-site at the event (optional)
The MICCD Advisory Board appreciates your contribution to support our mission of pre-apprenticeship pathways into the construction industry. We are open to in-kind support and representation even if a financial commitment is unable to be realized in 2023. We understand and want you there anyway!
Please indicate on the sponsor/exhibitor form that you would like to be represented and our advisory board will contact you prior to the event to make arrangement